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Jogging Girls

Classes in Exercise Science

Active Man


This is the class that made me want more exercise science. I will definitely work with muscle movements as I progress in my Sport Management degree at UWG. This is was the class that made me realize where I wanted to head educationally. 

Introduction to Physical Activity & Disease

This class helped me relate the importance of physical activity and disease prevention. I learned how to tackle the basics of physical activity to promote disease prevention. This will, on some level, be used in my day-to-day responsibilities with my athletes.

Strength & Conditioning

I LOVED this class. I walked into it completely blind. I've never done any type of strength and conditioning, at least not in my adult life, and this class gave me the opportunity to learn how to create a training program for athletes. 

Sport Nutrition

I waited for two years for this class. I am a part of the first graduating class of my program, and I knew this class was going to be added to the list of electives I could chose from. I knew I would love this class because I have a love for sports and nutrition. I wasn't wrong.

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